Friday, June 29, 2012


The cousins have decided that a reunion is in order. 

When: July 4-6, 2013

Where: Oregon (more specific location TBD, but likely the general Portland/Astoria region)

Who: any Nerenbergs, or people married to Nerenbergs, or people who like Nerenbergs, or people who aren't Nerenbergs but wish they were.

What: Big BBQ-type gathering on July 4th for the whole family.
-Star Wars/card game/fudge day on July 5th for cousins (tentatively at Jess and Tim's house, unless we can find somewhere bigger and better).  Something classy and grown up (wine tasting? hot air balloon rides? historic homes tour?) for the classy grown ups.
-Something else fun and exciting on July 6th.

Ringleaders: Allyson and Jess

Please leave a comment if:
--you will come
--you have ideas for locations or activities
--you want to help plan
--you have something else nice to say

Please leave your name in your comment so we know who you are!  And spread this around;  we definitely don't have contact information for everyone.